2025 Membership Renewal FAQs

Be a part of the REALTOR® Difference and renew your NWMAR membership by July 1st!

Payment Plan Option available online for primary REALTOR® members until July 31st. Members are encouraged to enroll in the payment plan by July 1st to take full advantage of the payment schedule.
Renew Today Renewal Info

Renewal FAQs

What is included in my membership?

When is the annual renewal due?

What is the annual cost of membership?

Did the renewal amount change?

May I make partial payments?

What if I miss the renewal deadline?

How may I obtain my Username or Password?

How do I print an invoice?

What payment methods are accepted?

Is my credit card charged immediately?

What if I wish to pay by check?

What is an RPAC Investment?

Is an RPAC Investment included in my renewal?

Am I required to invest in RPAC?

I am a Broker. How may I view who in my office still needs to renew?